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"The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. " 

Dylan Thomas




Tea and honey
fill lulls in conversations
watching sunbeams play across the table
i draw warmth from my cup
Between sips of tea
speech lapses into irregular familiarity
Formalities exchanged, we settle
Into comfortable silence.

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Brian L. Hayes

Author's Works

Read additional works by the author. 
Out of the Ashes:
Love, Death, Rebirth

Out of the Ashes, Brian L. Hayes's second chapbook is a collection of poems about beginnings, endings, and rebirths.  The joys and sorrows of love and life and the need to always hold onto hope. 

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Melancholy Love
silhouette of woman _full moon.jpg

Melancholy Love, is Brian L Hayes’s first chapbook of poems, mainly focusing on the pain of lost and unrequited love, exploring it in numerous poetic forms and styles.  There are minimalist poems, haiku, a sonnet, and collaboration on one of Rumi’s quatrains.

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Ravensong is a fantasy short story written for the Stores Untold: Season 3 competition sponsored by Daastan, a publisher in Pakistan and placing sixth.

Gromli, a hobbit of unusual birth who grows up to be a bard and sets out on life as a traveling musician. He learns he has an unexpected gift, the ability to foresee those who are fated to die in the near future.  When an unexpected encounter with a young woman whose death he foresees reveals her to be the queen, he resolves that he must change her fate.  Making a bargain with a trickster god who is responsible for the fate of the dead to spare the queen, Gromli, must win the heart of the queen while doing nothing that outwardly is an attempt to win her affection.


The queen, an independent strong-willed woman, who loves music, and open minds are perplexed by this hobbit who plays such beautiful music and voices such contempt for the gods.  She is drawn to his plain-spoken nature and logic of his position.

Gromli has only to the new moon after next to accomplish his mission.​

Dreamers never Die
Dreamers never Die.png

Dreamers Never Die is an anthology compiled by Hareem Fatima a poet and editor in Pakistan who has collected poetry from writers around the world with a concentration on those from India and Pakistan.  It is a book of a wide variety of outlooks and styles and will introduce the reader to many new voices.



"...To read a Brian L. Hayes poem is to take a journey—- always arriving back at oneself.  An “Infidel in Paradise” is his most recent, heart-stirring muse collection that moves the reader across continents as well as oceans of time and personal emotion.  This volume sits on the border between the West and the East, singing far-reaching songs of love, regret, longing, and oft-sought reconciliation.  A very necessary set of poems, choosing to explore “Infidel in Paradise” helps make border walls within the mind disappear and will certainly be worth your trip.


Caroline Dobson Chavez-Poet, Playwright, PharmD, Raleigh, NC

"...His style penetrates deep with his profound thoughts be it when he expresses about love, the seasons, the moon, or even a raven. Succinct and effective his vocabulary tastes like vintage wine, leaving the head inebriated without having to stagger and fall. He will always remain one of my favorite poets as I sometimes read his poems more than once, relishing his effortless and prolific poetic style..."


Geethanjali Dilip, Poet, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

"Brian L Hayes is a dear friend and a fellow writer. His writings were the first thing that got us connected. His poetry and short stories offer a wide range of topics and themes expressed through a beautiful flow of words. It is a pleasure to read his thoughts."


Shema Bukhari, Assistant Professor, University College of Bahrain

"I must begin by saying that Brian's poetry takes the reader to another world. His poems are so well written for he has an engaging writing style which makes it an even more pleasant experience to read his work. I am pleased to have read his amazing work which is simple yet beautiful." 


Irum Iqbal, MPhil English Literature, Islamabad, Pakistan



If you have enjoyed the work written here, please feel free to contact the author for a chat. 

Thank you for your interest in my poetry. I look forward to discussing my work with you. I will be in touch soon.

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